ProActive Advisors' Commentaries

Stocks are a good hedge against inflation because companies can pass along higher raw material, labor and borrowing costs in higher prices and maintain, or even boost, profitability. As inflation rises fixed income security values decline and then interest rates start to rise so fixed income investors can earn a positive, real return (return after ... Read more
Investors are steadfastly optimistic about economic prospects and continue to buy stocks knowing more stimulus spending is on the way. Analysts’ also see little risk interest rates can rise and the puny returns of Debt securities offer little competition for stocks. Amidst rising stock prices and greater volatility three factors give caution for the excessive ... Read more
The Covid-19 virus has required massive central bank policy intervention and raised our national debt to new highs. We also have racial protests, negative real interest rates, and an election with consequences just a few months away. Yet despite the uncertainties, investors have continued to pile into stocks pushing the S&P500 to all time highs. ... Read more
The Covid-19 virus has set back the global economy. This has required massive central bank policy intervention and raised national debts to post housing crisis highs. Yet despite the high debt and uncertain world economy, investors have continued to buy and hold stocks. This commentary addresses why this has been true, what we are doing ... Read more