Your Finances

Our Resourcefulness

With full support to help you keep more of what you make

Plan Your Family’s Future

People have different financial needs. Starting out, guidance is needed with cash flow and saving. Later, a financial plan to map a pathway and align your overall investment strategy and taxes is important. Near or at retirement, assistance to implement, monitor and manage threats to your income become crucial. Avoid preventable mishaps with advice from our fiduciary advisors.

Chart illustrating ProActive client services

A Premier Five Star Advisor dedicated to guiding individuals, families, small business owners and private trusts.

We begin engagements by understanding your unique financial situation, identifying areas of strength and opportunity, and leveraging this knowledge to enhance your financial well-being.

Our Wealth Management approach is designed to exceed your expectations and improve your bottom line.

Asset Protection

Our financial security must be safeguarded against various risks including market, inflation, income, generational, creditor, and rising taxes. Because everyone's family resources and circumstances are unique, we need to hear your story, gather the relevant facts, and tailor a plan to improve your financial health. Safeguarding what you've made may also require specialized strategies and documents such as trusts, income distribution and succession plans. For these needs we have curated team of tax and legal professionals to maximize benefits while we quarterback the process to be certain it's successfully implemented.

Safe representing asset protection
Business Consulting

Business owners and high net worth individuals often pay large tax bills because most accountants and tax preparers are focused on routine tasks. ProActive Advisors' approach aims to provide added value by thoroughly reviewing your financial situation to identify potential opportunities for tax savings and effectively communicating these findings to help minimize tax liabilities. This includes access to our Virtual Family Office (VFO) of specialized professionals with us quarterbacking the workflow to maximize financial outcomes. The goal is to “add value” above our cost as your financial advisor.

Briefcase representing business consulting
Estate Planning

Estate planning assures your wishes are carried out and your legacy is imparted to loved ones and beneficiaries. Your estate plan is a legal document with related powers of attorney, living wills, healthcare directives, wills, and perhaps trust(s) specifying how your assets will be managed and distributed after your incapacitation and death. The 2017 Trump Tax Cut and Jobs Act will expire with a sunset provision at year end 2025. Should Congress not intervene or amend the tax legislation, income taxes will rise and estate tax exemptions will fall resetting back to roughly 50% of today's exemption levels. ProActive Advisors strongly recommends reviewing your estate plan or setting one up if you don't have one. Give us a call or request an appointment and we'll help you get organized to work on a personalized estate plan to fulfill your wishes.

Office building representing estate planning
Financial Planning

Financial Advise You Can Trust

Best results come with preparation and planning.

Yet it’s more than getting the fundamentals right.

Success requires competently navigating the unexpected.

Discover how our unbiased financial advice can enhance your well-being.

Finance image representing financial planning

Building Net Worth

Think of your net worth as a “Report Card” for your family’s financial well-being. Let our financial professionals guide you in managing the drivers to make the most of it. Along the way, the goal is to make sound financial decisions to have more than you saved.

Retirement Planning

Pursuing retirement requires ensuring future income and lifestyle goals are realized. Yet planning and good outcomes come down to implementation & sound management. That’s how we help. We are proactive in managing risks, so you have greater peace of mind.

Wealth Management

Wealth is built by managing your cash flow, lowering the taxes you pay, and carefully investing to capture favorable reward-for-risk opportunities. Get ahead, guided by our fiduciary advisors who’ll create a plan tailored to helping you create your desired lifestyle.

Financial Advice

Sound financial decisions must consider present risks & opportunities in the context of your personal circumstances. Included with our investment management is on-going financial counsel to guide all your financial decisions.

Tax Planning

Today’s national debt almost guarantees higher tax rates. Let ProActive Advisors help you keep more of what you make and save more by developing personalized tax strategies synced with your finances improve your financial life.

Charitable Giving

Giving back by supporting causes that align with your values and goals while you’re still living can offer income and tax advantages as well as fulfillment. Find out how to help others while benefiting yourself at the same time.

Financial Planning

Determining relevant factors and strategies to maximize strengths and minimize weaknesses are the cornerstones of successful financial planning. Let our skilled fiduciary advisors make a well-planned roadmap to follow to improve your financial health.

401K Acct Management

Saving early and often for Retirement gives you time to compound your savings but investing wisely with risk management is also crucial. Let us assist you in managing your 401k to keep your costs low and improve results, particularly if you need to kickstart your savings.

Special Needs Planning

Let ProActive Advisors assist you in ensuring that your loved ones with behavioral, mental, and/or physical challenges are able to live their best lives. Accomplish this with our special needs planning designed to attend to their future financial needs.

Tax Planning

Benjamin Franklin is credited with the quotation that "nothing is certain except death and taxes". Many people fail to understand that in the 72,000 pages of the US Tax Code, there are numerous legal ways to pay less in taxes, particularly if you are a high net worth individual or business owner. No one can be an expert in all of the tax credits, deductions, exemptions, and legislative offsets built into the code. For this reason, ProActive works closely with tax specialists. Evaluations and analyses are typically done on a contingency basis, with no out-of-pocket costs unless you and your local CPA decide it's beneficial to proceed. Call us for a review of your personal situation to see if our team can identify potential tax savings that may save you thousands. Exploratory meetings are complimentary.

Tax form and calculator representing tax planning
Wealth Management

Wealth Management combines detailed financial planning with investment management and encompasses assessments of tax and legal documents augmented by professional collaboration. Our "Virtual Family Office “ model offers a more affordable alternative to the ultra-rich family office approach to address complex legal and tax matters. Implementation, portfolio monitoring and corrective action to combat market risk are done for you. Our goal is to align financial planning with sound investment decisions to optimize performance and achieve both better financial outcomes and greater peace of mind.

Finance image representing wealth management

ProActive Advisors, LLC is a Registered Investment Advisor providing wealth advisory services which primarily consist of financial & tax planning and investment management services. We do not provide accounting, tax, or legal services, although we collaborate with other professional advisors for better after-tax outcomes. For more complete details about our advisory services and fees, please see our Fee for Services page.